Django Query Optimization - Defer, Only, and Exclude
Looks at the differences between Django QuerySet's defer, only, and exclude methods.
Django is a Python-based web framework designed to alleviate the many pain points developers encounter when building modern web applications. It features an easy to follow MTV (model, template, view) architecture, a modern database relationship manager, and a powerful administrative system to aid in quickly building out data (which is great for rapid prototyping). Django applications are typically fast, easy to scale, and, when following best practices, accessible to developers of various skill levels.
While Django was released in 2005, its active and welcoming community have diligently kept it competitive with newer frameworks. For example, developers building Single-page Applications (SPAs) will find Django REST Framework (DRF) a comfortable fit and nearly all popular JavaScript frameworks have been used in combination with Django without fail. Once you've gotten your feet wet, you'll find our articles and tutorials an excellent way to expand your skills toward building production-level Django applications.
Further, most of the articles and tutorials in this section are on the more intermediate to advanced side that cover testing, caching, best practices, deployment, containerizing, securing, and implementing Celery.
Looks at the differences between Django QuerySet's defer, only, and exclude methods.
This article explores the basics of database indexing, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to apply it in a Django application.
Deploy a Django app to AWS ECS with AWS Copilot.
Avoid the count query in Django's paginator
Limit the content types in a Django model
Manage periodic tasks with Django, Celery, and Docker.
This tutorial details how to integrate GraphQL with Django using Strawberry.
Looks at how to add server-side components to our client-side setup with Django.
Looks at how to build client-side UI components in Django with Stimulus and Tailwind.
Configure Django to load and serve up static and media files, public and private, via DigitalOcean Spaces.
Speed up counting with Django and PostgreSQL.
Configure GitLab CI to continuously deploy a Django and Docker application to DigitalOcean.
This tutorial looks at how to build server-side UI components in Django.
Pros and cons of using Django REST Framework for building RESTful APIS with Django.
Learn how the development process varies between working with Django REST Framework and Vue versus Django and HTMX.
How to work with static and media files in a Django project, locally and in production.
In this article, we'll look at the best use cases for Django and Flask along with what makes them unique, from an educational and development standpoint.
Add basic and full-text search to a Django app with Postgres.
Deep dive into Django REST Framework (DRF) serializers.
Looks at how to set up automated performance tests to uncover and prevent inefficient database queries.
Looks at how to integrate Django REST Framework with Elasticsearch.
Deploy a Django app to AWS ECS with Terraform.
Simplify the process of deploying, maintaining, and scaling a production-grade Django app on Heroku.
Customize Django's admin site.
Deploy a Django app to AWS EC2 with Docker and Let's Encrypt.
Secure a containerized Django app running behind an HTTPS Nginx proxy with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.
Add session-based authentication to a Single-Page Application (SPA) powered by Django and React.
Quickly add Stripe to accept payments on a Django/Python website.
This tutorial details how to configure Django to run on Docker along with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn.
Add authentication to Django REST Framework and integrate it with Auth.js
Configure GitLab CI to continuously deploy a Django and Docker application to AWS EC2.
Add authentication to Django REST Framework with django-allauth and dj-rest-auth.
Integrate Pydantic with a Django application.
Add interactive charts to Django with Chart.js.
This article serves as an introduction to Django REST Framework, focusing on serializers, views, and routers.
This tutorial shows how to build an intelligent educational platform using OpenAI APIs and Django.
This article looks at where potential performance issues can occur in a Django application and how to address them in order to speed up your app.
Deploy a Django application to Azure App Service.
Configure Django to run on Docker along with Postgres, Gunicorn, Traefik, and Let's Encrypt.
Commonly used web authentication methods.
Use Django Channels to create a real-time application.
Deploy a Django application to Google App Engine.
Configure Django to load and serve up static and media files, public and private, via an Amazon S3 bucket.
This article explains step-by-step how to create a custom user model in Django.
Enable multi-region support in a Python application.
This article looks at how to configure Celery to handle long-running tasks in a Django app.
Deploy a Django application to Render.
Set up social auth with Django and Django Allauth.
Deploy a Django application to
This article explains step-by-step how to migrate to a custom User model mid-project in Django.
Deploy a Django application to Dokku on a DigitalOcean droplet.
Configure GitHub Actions to continuously deploy a Django and Docker application to Linode.
Integrate Mailchimp with Django for newsletters and transactional emails.
Differences between Django's class-based views (CBV) and function-based views (FBV).
This tutorial looks at how to handle subscription payments with Django and Stripe.
Get started with Django's asynchronous views.
Looks at how to leverage Django's default permission system to assign permissions to users and groups.
Add htmx and Tailwind CSS to Django to improve developer productivity.
Deploy a Django Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
How to deploy a Django application to DigitalOcean's App Platform.
Looks at how to add pagination to a Django project.
Making Celery work nicely with Django Database Transactions.
Automatically retry failed Celery tasks.
How to deploy a Django app to Heroku with Docker via the Heroku Container Runtime.
Configure VS Code to debug a Django app running inside of Docker.
Configure a containerized Django app running on an EC2 instance to send logs to CloudWatch.
Accept crypto Payments with Django and Coinbase Commerce.
Deep dive into Django REST Framework's most powerful view, ViewSets.
Shows you how to configure PyCharm for debugging a Django app running inside of Docker.
Use Django REST Framework's Generic Views to prevent repeating certain patterns over and over again.
Deep dive into how Django REST Framework's views work and its most basic view, APIView.
How to use the low-level cache API in Django.
Perform GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE AJAX requests in Django with the Fetch API and jQuery.
Add multiple language support to your Django project.
Detailed look at Django's built-in caching options.
How to build custom permission classes in Django REST Framework.
Configure GitHub Actions to continuously deploy a Django and Docker application to DigitalOcean.
How the built-in permission classes work in Django REST Framework.
Walks you through the Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) development cycle by programming an example feature using Django and Aloe.
How permissions work in Django REST Framework.
This article looks at a new approach for achieving a Single-page Application (SPA) -- HTML over WebSockets.
This tutorial looks at how to integrate Stripe Connect into a Django application.
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