Task Queue


Task queues manage background work asynchronously outside of a user request. With regard to web development, they are used to process tasks outside the typical request/response cycle. They are quite popular in microservice architectures for inter-microservice communication. Celery and RQ are the two most popular Python-based task queues.

The tutorials and articles on TestDriven.io focus on setting up and configuring task queues to work with Docker and various Python web Frameworks like Django, Flask, and FastAPI.

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Test-Driven Development with FastAPI and Docker

In this course, you'll learn how to build, test, and deploy a text summarization service with Python, FastAPI, and Docker. The service itself will be exposed via a RESTful API and deployed to Heroku with Docker.

Featured Course

Test-Driven Development with FastAPI and Docker

In this course, you'll learn how to build, test, and deploy a text summarization service with Python, FastAPI, and Docker. The service itself will be exposed via a RESTful API and deployed to Heroku with Docker.