Python 3.11: What's New
Looks at the new features in Python 3.11 and how they can be implemented.
Web development tutorials designed to teach critical skills needed to test, launch, scale, and optimize applications.
Looks at the new features in Python 3.11 and how they can be implemented.
Deploy a Flask application with PostgreSQL to Render.
This article explains step-by-step how to migrate to a custom User model mid-project in Django.
This article looks at what CSRF is and how to prevent a CSRF attack in Flask.
Provides an overview of what Docker is, how it's used, and the basic Docker commands, so you can get up and running with Docker quickly.
Deploy a Django application to Dokku on a DigitalOcean droplet.
Very basics of using pytest for testing Python code.
Test Pinia data stores in Vue applications.
Add session-based authentication to a Single-Page Application (SPA) powered by Flask and Svelte.
How property-based testing via Hypothesis and Schemathesis can be used to test FastAPI
Configure GitHub Actions to continuously deploy a Django and Docker application to Linode.
Integrate Mailchimp with Django for newsletters and transactional emails.
Differences between Django's class-based views (CBV) and function-based views (FBV).
Configure Masonite to run on Docker along with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn.
Configure Flower with basic authentication running behind Nginx with Docker.
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