

React is an open-source, declarative, component-based JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Maintained by Facebook, it's primarily used for developing rich, single-page (SPAs) and mobile applications.

The tutorials and articles on teach how to develop React applications with Test-Driven Development (TDD), manage state with React Hooks, and integrate React with Django and FastAPI.

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Featured Course

Authentication with Flask, React, and Docker

This course details how to add user authentication to a Flask and React microservice. You'll use React Testing Library and pytest to test both apps, Formik to manage form state, and GitLab CI to deploy Docker images to Heroku.

Featured Course

Authentication with Flask, React, and Docker

This course details how to add user authentication to a Flask and React microservice. You'll use React Testing Library and pytest to test both apps, Formik to manage form state, and GitLab CI to deploy Docker images to Heroku.