Python - function overloading with singledispatch

Python tip:

You can use singledispatch to implement different (re)actions based on the first function's argument type

For each type, you register an overloaded implementation

For example, you can handle different events like so:

from functools import singledispatch

class Event:

class UserSignedUp(Event):
    def __init__(self, email): = email

class CustomerCanceledSubscription(Event):
    def __init__(self, email): = email

def handle_event(event: Event):
    pass  # do nothing

def _(event: UserSignedUp):
    print(f"I will prepare resources for newly signed up user: {}")

def _(event: CustomerCanceledSubscription):
    print(f"I will disable resources for customer:  {}")

events = [
    UserSignedUp(email="[email protected]"),
    CustomerCanceledSubscription(email="[email protected]"),

for event in events:

# I will prepare resources for newly signed up user: [email protected]
# I will disable resources for customer:  [email protected]