Python For Else

Python tip:

You can use else with for loops when searching for something. Code inside the else will be executed if the break statement isn't hit.

items = ["right_one", "my_item", " another_item"]

def right_one(item_to_check):
    if item_to_check == "right_one":
        return True
        return False

for item in items:
    if right_one(item):
        print("Do something with the item")
        print("I will do something else, no item to process")

Do something with the item

items = ["different_item", "my_item", "another_item"]

for item in items:
    if right_one(item):
        print("Do something with the item")
        print("I will do something else, no item to process")

I will do something else, no item to process
I will do something else, no item to process
I will do something else, no item to process