Part 1, Chapter 2
Released July 24, 2024
- Upgraded to Django 5.0.7 and Python 3.12.4.
Released April 2, 2023
- Upgraded to Django 4.1.7 and Python 3.11.2.
- Addressed issues with Heroku eliminating their free tier.
October 28, 2022
- Upgraded to Django 4.1.2 and Python 3.10.8.
- Removed Core API section from the API Documentation chapter.
December 21, 2021
- Upgraded to Django 4.0 and Python 3.10.1.
Released June 25, 2021
- Upgraded to Django 3.2.4 and Python 3.9.5.
Released January 12, 2021
- Upgraded to Django 3.1.5 and Python 3.9.1.
- Switched to a slim-buster-based Docker image for development mode.
- Added a quick note about debugging CI builds on GitLab.
- Added info about not including a dollar sign (
) in the secret key due to GitLab CI restrictions.
Released April 15, 2020
- Upgraded to Django 3.0.5 and Python 3.8.2.
- Added overview of the Given-When-Then test framework.
- Added a section to the Advanced CI chapter on moving the secret key to an environment variable within GitLab CI.
- Added an example of the finished project that uses a
instead of anAPIView
Released January 22, 2020
- Upgraded to Django 3.0.2 and Python 3.8.1.
- Added info about pytest fixtures, parametrizing test functions, monkeypatching, and marks.
- Detailed how to run pytest in parallel with pytest-xdist.
- Added notes about how to customize drf-yasg's generated Swagger schema.
Released November 18, 2019
- First release!
✓ Mark as Completed