Continuously Deploying Django to Linode with Docker and GitHub Actions

Last updated September 2nd, 2022

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to configure GitHub Actions to continuously deploy a Django and Docker application to Linode.



By the end of this tutorial you should be able to:

  1. Deploy a Django application to Linode
  2. Use GitHub packages to store Docker images
  3. Set up a Linode CPU instance and a Linode managed database
  4. Enable passwordless, SSH authentication
  5. Use GitHub actions to continuously deploy your app

Project Setup

Start by cloning the GitHub repo and changing your current directory to its root:

$ git clone --branch base --single-branch
$ cd django-github-linode

Curious about how this project was developed? Check out the Dockerizing Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Nginx blog post.

To test locally, build the images and spin up the containers:

$ docker-compose up -d --build

If your container exits with exec /usr/src/app/ no such file or directory, open app/ script and perform an EOL conversion from CR LF to LF. After that, run docker-compose up -d --build again.

Navigate to http://localhost:8000/. You should see:

  "hello": "world"

GitHub Packages

GitHub Packages is a platform for hosting and managing packages, including containers and other dependencies. It allows you to host your software packages on GitHub next to the source code. We'll use it to store Docker images.

To work with GitHub packages, you'll first have to create a personal access token. Navigate to Developer settings and select "Personal access tokens". Click on "Generate new token".

Give it a name/note -- e.g., "GitHub actions" -- and add the following permissions:

  • write:packages
  • read:packages
  • delete:packages

Next, click on the "Generate token" button.

GitHub Personal Access Token

You're only going to be able to see the token once, so store it somewhere safe.

Build and tag the container:

$ docker build -f app/Dockerfile -t<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>/web:latest ./app

# Example
$ docker build -f app/Dockerfile -t ./app

Next, use your personal access token to login into GitHub packages:

$ docker login -u <USERNAME> -p <TOKEN>

# Example
$ docker login -u testdrivenio -p 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

Lastly, push the image to Container registry on GitHub packages.

$ docker push<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY_NAME>/web:latest

# Example
$ docker push

You should now be able to see the package at one of the following URLs (depending on if you're using your personal account or an org):

# Personal account<USERNAME>?tab=packages

# Organization<ORGANIZATION_NAME>/packages

Linode Create Database Cluster

Linode CPU

If you do not have a Linode account yet, navigate to their site and click on "Sign up".

First, we need to create a Linode CPU instance.

Log into the Linode dashboard and select "Linodes" on the sidebar. Then click on "Create Linode".

Linode Create

To create a Linode with Docker preinstalled, we can use the Linode Marketplace. In the navigation bar select "Marketplace" and for the app select "Docker."

Linode Create Marketplace

Scroll down to "Select an Image". For the image, pick "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS". For the region, select the region that's the closest to your customers. Then select a "Linode Plan" based on your project requirements.

If you're deploying a CPU-intensive web application opt for a dedicated CPU. If you're on a budget and are deploying a simple web application feel free to use a shared CPU. For more information take a look at Dedicated vs Shared CPU Instances.

Linode Marketplace Image

Let's name our Linode "django-docker". Leave the tags empty. Then pick a strong root password. You should write it down, but there's no need to memorize it since we'll enable passwordless SSH shortly.

For authentication purposes, we'll use an SSH key. To generate the keys run:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Save the key to /root/.ssh/id_rsa and don't set the passphrase. This will generate a public and private key -- id_rsa and, respectively. To set up passwordless SSH login, copy the public key over to the authorized_keys file and set the proper permissions:

Feel free to use an existing SSH key if you'd prefer.

$ cat ~/.ssh/
$ vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Navigate back to the Linode dashboard and click on "Add an SSH key". Give it a label and paste in your public key.

Linode Create Security

Leave everything else blank and scroll to the bottom. Click on "Create Linode".

You'll be redirected to your Linode details. It will take a few minutes for the Linode to provision. Once it's ready, its status will change to "Running".

Linode Details

Grab the Linode's IP and let's test if everything works.

To connect to the newly created Linode instance and check the Docker version run:

$ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@<YOUR_INSTANCE_IP> docker --version

Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701

It may take a few more minutes after the instance is running for Docker to finish installing.

Then, create a new directory for the app:

$ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@<YOUR_INSTANCE_IP> mkdir /app

Great, the Linode CPU instance is now ready. In the next step, we'll set up a managed database.


To host our database, we'll use Linode Databases.

On the sidebar navigate to "Databases" and click on "Create Database Cluster".

Linode Create Database Cluster

Label it "django-docker-db", select "PostgreSQL v13.2" as the engine, and for the region pick the one closest to your customers. Select a CPU plan based on your project requirements.

For a toy project go with a shared CPU, since dedicated CPU databases are pretty expensive.

Linode Create Database Cluster

One node should be more than enough. For access control, add your Linode CPU instance IP address.

To allow any IP to connect to the database, you can add to the access control list. Just keep in mind that this is bad security practice and should only be done for testing purposes. Do NOT expose production data like this.

Click "Create Database Cluster". It'll take about 10-15 minutes for the database to spin up. Once it's ready grab its connection details.

Linode Database Details

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions allows you to automate, customize, and execute software development workflows right in your GitHub repository. We'll use it to build and deploy a Docker image when code is pushed to the GitHub repo.

To configure GitHub Actions, you first need to create a ".github" directory within your project root. Next, create a "workflows" directory within that directory and main.yml within "workflows":

└── workflows
    └── main.yml

Build Job

Let's start by creating the build job.

Put the following contents in .github/workflows/main.yml:

name: Continuous Integration and Delivery

on: [push]

  WEB_IMAGE:$(echo $GITHUB_REPOSITORY | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/web
  NGINX_IMAGE:$(echo $GITHUB_REPOSITORY | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/nginx


    name: Build Docker Images
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout master
        uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Add environment variables to .env
        run: |
          echo "DEBUG=0" >> .env
          echo "SQL_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql" >> .env
          echo "DATABASE=postgres" >> .env
          echo "SECRET_KEY=${{ secrets.SECRET_KEY }}" >> .env
          echo "SQL_DATABASE=${{ secrets.SQL_DATABASE }}" >> .env
          echo "SQL_USER=${{ secrets.SQL_USER }}" >> .env
          echo "SQL_PASSWORD=${{ secrets.SQL_PASSWORD }}" >> .env
          echo "SQL_HOST=${{ secrets.SQL_HOST }}" >> .env
          echo "SQL_PORT=${{ secrets.SQL_PORT }}" >> .env
      - name: Set environment variables
        run: |
          echo "WEB_IMAGE=$(echo ${{env.WEB_IMAGE}} )" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo "NGINX_IMAGE=$(echo ${{env.NGINX_IMAGE}} )" >> $GITHUB_ENV
      - name: Log in to GitHub Packages
        run: echo ${PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.NAMESPACE }} --password-stdin
      - name: Pull images
        run: |
          docker pull ${{ env.WEB_IMAGE }} || true
          docker pull ${{ env.NGINX_IMAGE }} || true
      - name: Build images
        run: |
          docker-compose -f build
      - name: Push images
        run: |
          docker push ${{ env.WEB_IMAGE }}
          docker push ${{ env.NGINX_IMAGE }}

First, we named the workflow and defined when it should run with on. Next, we set the environment variables and defined the build job. A job consists of one or multiple commands that run sequentially.

To avoid leaking private variables like passwords and secret keys, we used secrets. So, in order for this job to complete successfully, you need to add a few secrets to your GitHub repository.


# Example

Click on "Secrets" then "Actions" and add the following secrets:

  1. SECRET_KEY: ^8!w90zymm9_0z3h4!_n637hw$^-7g%5-l0npq+zbmqz!v22q9
  2. SQL_DATABASE: postgres
  3. SQL_USER: linpostgres
  4. SQL_PASSWORD: yjNajtqytZU1mp1t
  5. SQL_HOST:
  6. SQL_PORT: 5432
  7. NAMESPACE: your GitHub username or your organization name
  8. PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN: your GitHub personal access token

Make sure to replace the SQL connection info with your own credentials.

GitHub Repository Secrets

Next, add your Linode's IP address to ALLOWED_HOSTS in the Django settings:

# app/hello_django/

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', '', '<your Linode IP>']

Commit your changes and push your code up to GitHub to trigger a new build. Ensure that it completes successfully.

Build Job Details

If you check your packages you'll notice that two images were created, web and nginx. NGINX is used as a reverse proxy to serve the web application and static/media files.

Deploy Job

Next, add a new job called deploy right after the build job:

  name: Deploy to Linode
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  needs: build
    - name: Checkout master
      uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: Add environment variables to .env
      run: |
        echo "DEBUG=0" >> .env
        echo "SQL_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql" >> .env
        echo "DATABASE=postgres" >> .env
        echo "SECRET_KEY=${{ secrets.SECRET_KEY }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_DATABASE=${{ secrets.SQL_DATABASE }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_USER=${{ secrets.SQL_USER }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_PASSWORD=${{ secrets.SQL_PASSWORD }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_HOST=${{ secrets.SQL_HOST }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_PORT=${{ secrets.SQL_PORT }}" >> .env
        echo "WEB_IMAGE=${{ env.WEB_IMAGE }}" >> .env
        echo "NGINX_IMAGE=${{ env.NGINX_IMAGE }}" >> .env
        echo "NAMESPACE=${{ secrets.NAMESPACE }}" >> .env
        echo "PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}" >> .env
    - name: Add the private SSH key to the ssh-agent
        SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock
      run: |
        mkdir -p ~/.ssh
        ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK > /dev/null
        ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
        ssh-add - <<< "${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}"
    - name: Build and deploy images on Linode
        SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock
      run: |
        scp  -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r ./.env ./ root@${{ secrets.LINODE_IP_ADDRESS }}:/app
        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${{ secrets.LINODE_IP_ADDRESS }} << 'ENDSSH'
          cd /app
          source .env
          docker login -u $NAMESPACE -p $PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
          docker pull $WEB_IMAGE
          docker pull $NGINX_IMAGE
          sudo docker-compose -f up -d

This job only runs if the build job completes successfully (via needs: build).

Job steps:

  1. Check out the repository.
  2. Add environment variables (including secrets) to a .env file.
  3. Initialize the SSH agent and add Linode's private SSH key.
  4. Copy .env and to the Linode.
  5. SSH to the Linode.
  6. Change the active directory.
  7. Log in to the container registry and pull the images.
  8. Use Docker Compose to deploy the images.

Add the following two secrets to your repo:

  1. LINODE_IP_ADDRESS: IP address of your Linode
  2. PRIVATE_KEY: your SSH private key

To test, commit and then push your code.

Ensure that both jobs complete successfully. Then, navigate to your site. You should see:

  "hello": "world"


Finally, to make sure that the deploy job only runs when changes are made to the master branch add if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' below needs: build.

If you're using main as the default branch, make sure to replace master with main.

  name: Deploy to Linode
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  needs: build
  if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
    - name: Checkout master
      uses: actions/checkout@v1
    - name: Add environment variables to .env
      run: |
        echo "DEBUG=0" >> .env
        echo "SQL_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql" >> .env
        echo "DATABASE=postgres" >> .env
        echo "SECRET_KEY=${{ secrets.SECRET_KEY }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_DATABASE=${{ secrets.SQL_DATABASE }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_USER=${{ secrets.SQL_USER }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_PASSWORD=${{ secrets.SQL_PASSWORD }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_HOST=${{ secrets.SQL_HOST }}" >> .env
        echo "SQL_PORT=${{ secrets.SQL_PORT }}" >> .env
        echo "WEB_IMAGE=${{ env.WEB_IMAGE }}" >> .env
        echo "NGINX_IMAGE=${{ env.NGINX_IMAGE }}" >> .env
        echo "NAMESPACE=${{ secrets.NAMESPACE }}" >> .env
        echo "PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}" >> .env
    - name: Add the private SSH key to the ssh-agent
        SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock
      run: |
        mkdir -p ~/.ssh
        ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK > /dev/null
        ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
        ssh-add - <<< "${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}"
    - name: Build and deploy images on Linode
        SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh_agent.sock
      run: |
        scp  -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -r ./.env ./ root@${{ secrets.LINODE_IP_ADDRESS }}:/app
        ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${{ secrets.LINODE_IP_ADDRESS }} << 'ENDSSH'
          cd /app
          source .env
          docker login -u $NAMESPACE -p $PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN
          docker pull $WEB_IMAGE
          docker pull $NGINX_IMAGE
          sudo docker-compose -f up -d

To test if it works, create a new dev branch. Then, Change the hello world message in app/hello_django/ to hello linode:

def home(request):
    return JsonResponse({"hello": "linode"})

Commit and push your changes to GitHub. Ensure only the build job runs. Once the build passes, open a PR against the master (or main) branch and merge the changes. This will trigger a new build with both stages, build and deploy. Ensure the deploy works as expected:

  "hello": "linode"


That's it. You can grab the final source code from django-github-linode repo.

Nik Tomazic

Nik Tomazic

Nik is a software developer from Slovenia. He's interested in object-oriented programming and web development. He likes learning new things and accepting new challenges. When he's not coding, Nik's either swimming or watching movies.

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